Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Removing glitter nail polish or The day after..

Now that the parties are over, you're stuck with you glitter nail polish. every girl knows that glitter nail polish is almost impossible to remove, well, I found this great and easy way, and I'm happy to share it with you ladies. 
You'll need: 
1. Nail polish remover
2. Cotton pads cut in smaller pieces
3. Aluminium foil cut into squares
4. Dip a piece of cotton in the nail polish remover
5. Put the cotton on top of your nails
6. Wrap with the aluminium foil
  Wait for 4-5 minutes
7. Press down the cotton before removing it.
And you get a perfectly clean nail!


Unknown said...

איפה נעלמת לי?!
אחלה פוסטים עם ענייני הציפורניים!

new post up:)

Sapir said...

וואו רעיון מעולה !
אני כל פעם מסתבכת עם הנצנצים האלה..
אהבתי מאוד גם את הרעיון של הנצנצים הזהובים על הלק השחור
שאפו !

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